jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011


Hace unos días una amiga me enseñó una "carta" que encontró en una pagina de internet. me enamoré de ella... me hizo pensar muchas cosas.. saque la idea de eso para hacer esta entrada. no, no es una copia.. se puede decir que es mi versión de esa carta. la escribí en ingles. no se porque. así la sentí.

Hey There.
So here you are again huh? sitting watching your computer, cleaning your tears away, trying to find a reason why he does that. you close your eyes & try to stop crying.. you can't. you are just mad & sad.. but not with him. with yourself. why? because you let him get that far, you didn't stop him & now he knows how to make you feel like crap. but you still want to talk to him, you still wanna feel him near you. but he makes you cry every day. every fucking day.
A couple of hours later you stop crying. you are ready to forget him, you are smiling & thinking "fuck him" but deep inside you know you are dying to be with him.
why? why do you like to cause so much pain? you know what? it's not his fault. it's yours.
yes. he is an asshole. but you are lame. you now there's a bunch of guys out there who want an opportunity, but you still want the bad guy. but guess what? he has a girlfriend & he's just playing with your feelings.
yep. he doesn't care. he likes the feeling of having control. he controls you & you let him.
you need to stand up & make something for YOURSELF. you need time. you HAVE to forget him.. yes. you will cry a whole bunch of time. your heart will turn into pieces. but you will have the possibility to smile one more time.. maybe in a month.. maybe in three years.. but you need to get out of there.
you need to stand up, you need to keep walking, cause honey.. he's not stopping, he has a girlfriend, he is smiling, he is holding another girl's hand. even though you wish it was you. IT ISNT.
so, get out of there & go find a real man. you won't find him fast. it takes time. but you need to open your eyes. Maybe he's living near you, maybe he is your friend. maybe you wont find him soon, but I'm sure you will NEVER find him if you keep thinking about the other one.
give other people an opportunity.
smile because you are beautiful just the way you are. if he doesn't like it he can go to hell. the most important thing is you. you are not perfect. but NEITHER is him. you make mistakes. he makes them too.. the only difference is that you have feelings and he.. he just doesn't care.
Yes! when you start to like this new guy, you will be scared. it's okay, but you need to smile & open your heart, believe, trust him, put everything you've got.. if he hurts you.. please don't stop. keep trying. you need to find love. there's a guy out there dying to kiss your lips.
oh! & don't worry, sooner or later the first guy will be sorry. he will die of jealousy when he finds out you are smiling with another one. when you are having a blast with another guy. he will understand he lost you. he lost the power he had in you & it will feel hell good.
you need to understand love is like a RollerCoaster, one day you are at the top of the mountain & then you are right at the bottom. you need to know that it's fine. yes, you will cry a lot but you will smile & laugh too, you need to have the guts to go & tell that person you want them in your life. don't waste any second cause one day you are here living & the next day you are there.. buried.
No! stop saying "I'm scared" that is just for losers & you are not one of them. I've already told you there's someone out there in this world who is actually worth your time. smile and go find him.
I know that for you he was important & "different" but FUCK no.. he is an asshole for making you feel that way, he is so stupid & worthless.. you need to s t o p t h i n k i n g
a b o u t h i m. he will be sorry. you will be at the top & he will be begging.. begging for the love you once gave to him, but he never really cared.
So be proud of yourself, & again.. smile. get out of your bed. take a shower & find happiness.
cause maybe happiness is not searching and it is waiting for you to find it.
fuck him & fuck the other girls in his bed.. remember. respect yourself & love.
that's all.

(si tengo faltas de ortografía perdón.. muero de sueño es muy tarde haha)

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